
联邦法规要求学生保持令人满意的学业进步才有资格获得经济援助.  副学士课程的学生将在春季学期结束时接受审查.  证书课程的学生将在秋季和春季学期结束时接受审查.  一旦学生尝试了12个学分,我们就开始检查学业进展. 完整的官方成绩单, 包括所有的转学分,以及即使学生被允许重新开始学业也出现的学分, 即使学生过去没有接受过经济援助,也会被审查吗.  获准入学不等于经济资助,学业成绩令人满意.  A student must be enrolled in classes for the semester in which a financial aid academic appeal is to be considered. 在任何一个夏季学期(在同一个夏季)上的任何课程都被视为一个注册学期. 只有学分课程被视为满意的学业进展评估.


学生可以获得经济援助的最长时间. The number of credit hours successfully completed including transfer credits or credits that appear on the official academic transcript even if the student was granted academic restart divided by the number of credit hours attempted. The minimum cumulative grade point average (平均绩点) a student must maintain based on the credits successfully completed. (最低累积绩点不包括转学分.)


Federal regulations indicate that a student may receive financial aid for no longer than 150 percent of the published length of his/her educational program. 例如, 对于要求60学分的课程, 最长学习时间相当于六个全日制学期或90个学分. A student will not receive financial aid after having attempted 90 credits (including transfer credits or credits appearing on an official academic transcript as a result of academic restart).  对于要求30学分的课程,最长时间为45个尝试学分. A student will not receive financial aid after having attempted 45 credits (including transfer credits or credits appearing on an official academic transcript as a result of academic restart). Students who have changed majors and who are seeking additional degrees are limited to additional financial aid up to a total of 90 attempted credits for an associate degree and 45 attempted credits for a certificate program regardless of the number of credits required to complete the additional degree or certificate.


Credit hours attempted are the sum of all LCCC credit hours for which tuition was charged whether or not financial aid was received plus all transfer hours accepted for credit as well as all credit hours appearing on an official academic transcript for which the student was granted academic restart. 如果一个学生改变了学习课程, the credit hours attempted under all courses of study are included in the calculation of attempted and earned credit hours.  学生必须获得上述所有学分的67%. This quantitative standard is the percentage calculated as “number of credit hours earned” divided by “number of credit hours attempted”. 经审计的课程(L)永远没有资格获得经济援助. 大多数补习学分不计入尝试学分或已修学分.  The following remedial classes are counted in attempted credits with the final grade received counted as an earned grade:  ENG 100, RSS 100和MAT 100.



尝试学时 平均绩点
1 – 12 1.00
13 – 24 1.50
25 – 36 1.75
37+ 2.00
  • 一些LCCC项目有额外的或更严格的令人满意的学术进步政策.
  • 学生只能获得一次以前通过的课程的经济资助.
  • 学生:报名参加某门课程并通过考试的学生, 然后再次注册该课程,但没有通过,就没有资格获得该课程的经济资助.
  •  学生可能不会获得他/她专业不需要的课程的经济资助.
  • 学生可以获得不超过30个补救学分的联邦经济援助.
  • Transfer credits accepted from other 学校s are counted towards completion of the student’s program as both attempted and completed hours.
  • 非母语英语课程课程计入补习学分,补习学分不超过30学分.
  • Students may only receive a financial aid academic appeal  once during the time they are attending 利哈伊碳社区学院.
  • An incomplete grade that becomes a failing grade may result in a student failing to meet financial aid satisfactory academic progress.  有关未能保持令人满意的学业进展的其他信息,请参阅下文.


如果学生没有取得令人满意的学业进步, 他/她有机会以书面形式向财政援助办公室申诉他/她的学业进展. 吸引力的形式 are available from the Office of 金融援助 as well as on the 利哈伊碳社区学院 website under 金融援助. 如果由于学生亲属死亡导致学业进展不足,可以考虑上诉, 学生受伤或生病, 家庭困难, 人际关系问题, 难以平衡工作, 家庭, 学校, 等.经济或其他特殊情况. Appeals are considered on a case by case basis and reviewed by the Office of 金融援助 within 30 days of receipt of the appeal form. 财政援助办公室的决定或建议是最终的. When an appeal is approved the student’s financial aid eligibility will be reinstated with specific conditions for the student to meet to remain eligible for financial aid. If the conditions of the appeal are not met then the appeal becomes void for the next semester and the student is no longer eligible for financial aid. 如果最初的上诉被驳回, 该学生将保持不合格状态,并且必须支付教育费用. 如果学生因其学业进步而被拒绝资助, 该拒绝优先于他/她之前可能收到的任何奖项通知. Students may only receive a financial aid academic appeal once during the time they are attending 利哈伊碳社区学院.


A student may reestablish his/her eligibility to receive financial assistance by enrolling at 利哈伊碳社区学院 at his/her own expense and completing a sufficient number of courses at a sufficiently high grade point average to meet the standards.

Academic Progress Policy For Pennsylvania State Grants Recipients Who Remain Enrolled In State Grant Eligible 项目

获得国家助学金的学生必须取得令人满意的学业进步. 每学年(秋季), 春季和/或夏季学期),在此期间收到国家助学金, a student must successfully complete the minimum number of credits appropriate to the student’s enrollment status during the terms for which state grant aid was received. 例如: If a student last received state grant aid during the previous academic year and received two full-time semesters of state grant aid the student must have successfully completed 24 semester credits during or since those two terms in order to be eligible for the next academic year. Likewise if the student last received state grant aid during the previous academic year and received two halftime semesters of state grant aid the student must have successfully completed 12 to 22 semester credits during or since those two terms in order to be eligible for the next academic year.  对于转学生来说,成功修完的学分可以从一所学校转到另一所学校. Therefore if the student received a state grant at one 学校 but did not successfully complete the required number of credits, the student is not eligible for state grant at another 学校 until all “make up” credits are successfully completed. 在每学年结束时检查国家拨款的进展情况.

了解上述要求是学生的责任. 未收到通知不会取消学生的经济援助状态.

